当前位置 首页 海外剧 《露丝和亚历克斯》


类型:剧情 海外剧 海外  美国  2014 

<tt lang="BaCul"><sup dropzone="EdS7rj"></sup></tt>

主演:摩根·弗里曼 黛安·基顿 卡丽·普雷斯顿 辛西娅·尼克松 


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Ruth & Alex is set over a weekend where a couple (Morgan Freeman and Diane Keaton) must decide whether or not to sell their Brooklyn walk up of 40 years. The story takes a comedic turn when the dynamic couple have to contend with eccentric open house guests, their pushy realtor niece, and the health of their beloved family dog — all while navigating a New York on edge from what turns out to be an media-generated terror threat



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